Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Although these results are unofficial and the ballots won't be counted until next week at the very least the Board of Elections and the D&C could report the write-in totals along with the candidates who were on the ballot. So here is the real results from Tuesday night

Member of Town Council

Henry Williams - 659 (38%)
Ed Shero - 631 (37%)
Write-in votes - 409 (24%)

To the 409 voters who got out to write-in my name I can't thank you enough. You made it all worth it. We really sent a message. Keep checking back as I will try to keep you informed as to what is happening at the Board Meetings


  1. Good job, Tim! John and I are very very proud of you. 409 votes for 24% of the vote is phenomenol in a small election. Now you have visibility and name recognition and they will know you are watching every move they make. Keep within their radar screen and next election, you can get on the ballot and give them a proper run for their money.

    And here you were thinking this blog was going to be about making wine!! LOL


  2. Thank you very much for the support you gave me. It made a huge difference and I can't thank you enough for it. There's two years off continued door to door ahead to keep compiling a larger mailing list as well as attending Board meetings. This was just the figurative shot across the bow. Whether they will pay attention or not is yet to be seen?

    I know it is funny, I wanted to use this as my e-notebook of all my notes I've taken from making a few wines and it has turned into this. Funny how things turn out. Based on my completely unsophisticated nose and tongue I do think the wine is turning out good tough. haha.

  3. Us folks in Missouri tend to follow a phrase a U.S. President spoke when asked about the remark of "Give em hell!"

    "I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell."
    Harry S Truman, in Look, Apr. 3, 1956
    33rd president of US (1884 - 1972)

    Give em the truth, Tim!
